Boozt have 1,000+ robots working in warehouse

Delivery choice remains a top factor for e-commerce consumers. To meet these demands, Boozt, a leading Nordic fashion and lifestyle retailer, has expanded its warehouse robotic system for the fourth time ahead of Black Friday to accommodate growing demand. Boozt now boasts the world’s largest AutoStore system, with over 1,243 robots, 1.2 million bins, and 301 ports. Since partnering with Element Logic in 2017, Boozt’s automation appetite has grown with their business, allowing them to handle approximately 400,000 products a month across 24 European countries.

Headquartered in Malmö, Sweden, Boozt’s growth in recent years has been driven by their scalable AutoStore system. The flexibility to scale up robots, bins, and ports has been vital during peak seasons like Black Friday and Christmas. The system runs 24/7, ensuring Boozt maintains a high level of customer satisfaction with 99.7% uptime, even operating in total darkness.

Boozt processes 190,000 items daily, supported by the latest AutoStore R5 Pro Robots, which enhance efficiency and reduce costs. This advanced fulfillment technology has allowed Boozt to achieve record-breaking order fulfillment times, with robots working continuously without downtime, significantly improving workflow and delivery times. By staying ahead of market demands and maintaining seamless operations during expansions, Boozt continues to set the standard in large-scale e-commerce automation

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