Customers rate their experience when they pay

The Real Greek restaurant in London’s Westfield mall is prompting customers to rate their experience when they go to pay with their payment card. The customer will rate the experience from 0 to 9. The service is quick, anonymous and non-intrusive for customers is resulting in high response rates and allows businesses to gather reliable feedback when the customer’s experience is fresh in his or her mind and they will be able to access this information within 24 hours.

The technology is from UK based startup truRating and will enable The Real Greek and other retailers to ask customers to rate based on any aspect of their experience from a bank of questions. “It was easy to get going because we didn’t have to do anything extra,” comments The Real Greek’s general manager Monika Domanska. “But it helps that as managers we are passionate about it. The team operates it automatically now, so even on a busy shift during a Friday night, it doesn’t cause any delay or any other issues. If you have a problem with a shift, you can just go to the management dashboard to look at the data and read it like a book.”

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