Aéropostale launch new iPhone app and iPad kiosk

US teenage fashion retailer, Aéropostale have launched a new iPad kiosk and mobile apps. Besides an online store,  the new app includes a style guide, outfit builder, and branded videos. Together, the elements are aimed at connecting teens to Aero’s brand, rather than just increasing commerce. Some of the other new features include a store locator, mobile deal finder and scanner to scan store merchandise for product information or links to order online.   It’s connecting with your bank account.

One successful feature of theircurrent app has been connecting online shopping with PayPal accounts so customers don’t have to worry about inserting their credit card information for every purchase. In stores, customers can use Aéro’s new iPad kiosks to piece together outfits, browse product reviews and pick out music to jam to in the dressing room.

For millennial customers spend far more time on their phones than they do on laptops or desktops and to capitalize on this, the company has launched a new SMS texting program, sending out the latest offers, coupons and company announcements to teens’ smartphones.

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