3D virtual fitting room with realistic cloth simulation from Fashion3D

Fashion3D is another new augmented reality virtual fitting room that has been launched in a ‘virtual style pod’ popup shop. Utilising a life-size screen mirror, augmented reality software overlays the user’s image with realistic 3D renders of clothing, accessories etc. Fashion3D believe they have the most accurate cloth simulation available which makes the experience more realistic. Engage is the exclusive partner of Space3D, which supplied the necessary software under licence. This technologically advanced system is set to offer retailers a new and exciting way of increasing footfall, selling goods and creating a buzz in store.

The technology uses Kinect motion detection technology and overlays with cutting-edge 3D photo-realistic renders of clothing he or she can select using gesture based or iPad interfaces. It enables users to quickly create outfits by mixing and matching a wide range of garments from the host’s inventory. Users can try on individual garments or choose outfits virtually, and take pictures which they can share on social networks.

A press release from Engage says, “Fashion3D reinforces brands by increasing both in-store and event engagement and dwell time, offering another touch-point for brands to reach their customers and differentiate the experience they provide. The experience itself could increase sales, boost revenues and brand advocacy by encouraging customers to buy more and grow conversion rates from peer recommendations and give intelligent insights into the customer decision making process, aiding merchandising and marketing.”

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