Augmented reality clothing and catwalk shows from Zappar

Technology company Zappar launch a range of augmented reality t-shirts. Viewers of the t-shirts can see the design moving by downloading the Zappar app and viewing the t-shirt through their Apple or Android smartphone or tablet device. Zappar is a proprietary platform and free to download mobile app that allows you to use your phone to turn tangible products and images into bite-sized entertainment experiences.

By Zapping everyday objects (t-shirts, greetings cards, books, toys, film posters, etc.), images and objects come to life in the camera view of your mobile device with video, animation, interaction, links, mini game experiences and much more. Zappar is also now being used in augmented reality fashion shows to display clips and product information and tell consumers where to buy the clothes.

It follows other virtual fashion shows held worldwide, including by Topshop and Ralph Lauren in London. Zappar’s mission is to help the world get more out of everyday products and experiences one Zap at a time.

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