One touch purchase for everything you see with PowaTag

PowaTag, a new technology that allows shoppers to use their phone to purchase products with a single touch, are signing up retailers in large numbers and integrating with their e-commerce platforms to make single tap payment a reality for customers.

The technology, developed in the UK, allows shoppers either take a picture of a product, scan a QR code or listen to a commercial (shazam style). Added to that, a PowaTag iBeacon based technology enables brands, retailers and venues to engage customers with relevant, timely and personalised content to their mobile devices which can drive customer engagement, sales and loyalty.

At the same time PowaTag Beacon is designed to respect consumer privacy. A small wireless beacon broadcasts Bluetooth signals which can be picked up by PowaTag enabled devices. PowaTag Beacons can be positioned in different selling areas of the store to create their own data zones. These zones can be tuned from a few inches to over 200 feet. PowaTag Beacons transform the customer journey in-store by providing additional access to product information, special offers, promotions and loyalty schemes. Over 200 retailers are now signed up to PowaTag.