Nike’s latest House of Innovation mobile technology includes Shop the Look and Scan & Go

Nike Rise in China is the newest store using the new House of Innovation format stores based on Nike’s New York flagship which opened in New York in 2018.

Customers can Shop The Look which simply requires you to scan the barcode on a mannequin barcode to pull up details of the garment or complete outfit. Every product in the store has its own scannable barcode that allows you to easily request product for trying on, or to easily make a purchase with the tap of a screen and then walk out with the product

Nike Rise is a concept store launched by Nike in China, designed to create a unique and immersive shopping experience. Here’s a brief overview:

  1. Purpose: Nike Rise aims to blend physical and digital retail experiences, enhancing customer engagement through interactive and personalized features.
  2. Design: The store features a modern, high-tech design with digital screens and interactive zones where customers can engage with Nike’s products and brand story in innovative ways.
  3. Personalization: Nike Rise uses data and digital technology to offer personalized shopping experiences, including customized product recommendations and interactive displays.
  4. Community Engagement: The store often hosts events, workshops, and training sessions, fostering a sense of community and providing customers with opportunities to engage with Nike beyond traditional shopping.
  5. Technology Integration: The store incorporates advanced technologies like augmented reality (AR) and digital fitting rooms, allowing customers to visualize products and try them virtually before making a purchase.
  6. Location: Nike Rise stores have been introduced in major Chinese cities, including Shanghai and Beijing, reflecting Nike’s strategy to capture the growing and dynamic retail market in China.

Overall, Nike Rise represents Nike’s commitment to innovation in retail, leveraging technology to enhance the customer experience and drive brand loyalty.

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